Martin Studio Photography: Blog 2020-03-16T06:33:00Z (C) Martin Studio Photography Martin Studio Photography Linganore Caribbean Wine Festival 05/26/13

Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial kick off to summer, add a camera a group of friends you haven't seen in awhile, sunshine, music, and wine... Well the images should help tell my story of a day of fun in the sun, with a whole lot of empty bottles. Good time!

See you guys at the Reggae Festival July 20th!

Martin Studio Photography (C) Martin Studio Photography 2013-05-27T22:45:48Z 2013-05-27T22:45:48Z Behind the scenes with The Kristina Divine Brand

Another fun project with my good friend model Kristina Divine, and Marsha Marie Designs. Kicking off spring 2013, captured by Herb at TLP Photo at Studio 411 in Baltimore, MD.


Martin Studio Photography (C) Martin Studio Photography 2013-03-23T15:13:47Z 2013-03-23T15:13:47Z Hanging out in San Antonio, TX

I can't believe how long it's been since putting anything in the blog? 


Well, here are a couple shots from SA this past February. Nice place, enjoyed The River Walk and finally seeing the Alamo. Yep did the tourist thing.The River WalkBlog_photo2 The AlamoBlog_photo1

Martin Studio Photography (C) Martin Studio Photography 2013-03-23T02:57:33Z 2013-03-23T02:57:33Z Zina's Day Spa and Salon, with model Kate Borges

One of my favorite people to work with is Kate, a 5'9" Brazilian dream model.... well now, LOL. When I first met Kate back in I think 2006 at a Borders Book Store in Silver Spring, MD she was a chunky 19 year old with a funny accent. Great face but...? LOL This is our standing joke, Kate has always been a beautiful soul to be around and I owe so many wonderful images to her that we created. She says she is too old now to model and has retired, but will work with me when I need her. Sweet, but the reality is she is always busy running someone's business and making it successful.  :)

So this summer Kate help me kicked off a new styling option for my clients, Zina's Day Spa and Salon ( The funny thing about this project to me is it had been great weather up until the day we scheduled this promo. It was 100 + degrees this day, the spa is right around the corner from the studio so I was a little nervous about the results once she arrived. It wasn't an issue at all, we enjoyed the results. 

  • Model Kate Borges
  • Wardrobe by Marsha Marie
  • Video production is provided by TLP Photo.
  • Makeup and Hair Styling by Zina's Day Spa and Salon



Martin Studio Photography (C) Martin Studio Photography 2012-07-01T01:12:00Z 2012-07-01T01:12:00Z Teens, first times

Working with teens is always a blessing. There are so many first time experiences, you just hope they are all positive. And in this case working with me in Studio 411, I know I have a positive first time experience to give a client. We always have creative fun, standard!!

So I found out I was researched online and brought to the table before mom as the one she wanted to work with. Hmmmm....I wonder what was the criteria I was selected under? I forgot to ask, smh. lol

We went back and forth through email tossing out ideas about what we wanted to create when we got together. She gave strong ideas for her wardrobe styling based on her look, it matched her look in my opinion as well. (Not bad for a teen!) With her looks and all that hair, it would add a dramatic element to any look we got into. This will be fun I said. So she booked a date and time for my services online, and now it's count down to the shoot. We booked Shelly to do the makeup and Kool for styling the hair, this team was knocking it out of the park for sure.

So in walks my teen client and her mom, both tall and beautiful. Mom modeled before I'm sure of it I thought....Yep, mom confirmed it. Hmmm.....? So did mom train my client, her daughter? Providing the right posing and facial expressions for the look can be challenging for a first timer, maybe I got lucky and mom got her where she needed to be to start?

WAKE UP! You were dreaming again Jeff. lol :)

Like most teens in this first time modeling arena, my subject was "very" shy. One of those, "I always wanted to model and this is my first professional shoot, so I want this to be my thing. So what do I do?" Did I tell you that's what I got out of her by looking into her eyes? Didn't I tell you she was very shy? lol

What happened to that focused client in the emails? Who is this shy little lady? So many people get stiff legs when a strange man has a magnifying glass in his hands that's going to be capturing the truth about your physical form. Put that on top of trying to discover yourself as a teen? WOW, what pressure. LOL

It's all good, GOD made no mistakes when he created us. Go for it, as only you can!

So after talking and seeing what worked for her physical form during the warm up session (yes, extra time is needed sometimes,) we got some pretty awesome shots once she warm up to what she was finally doing. Achieving a goal! :) 


I think she is hooked on it now, and ready for more. A great experience for everyone! :)

Eliyah_2 Eliyah


Martin Studio Photography (C) Martin Studio Photography 2012-04-22T04:12:00Z 2012-04-22T04:12:00Z Spring

There is something powerful in natures seasonal changes, and spring has a way of making you see things more clearly. 

The Great Blue Heron is very territorial, I've see this ole boy here in WVA many times but not like this. He posed for me, what a profile. :)


Me, the Potomac, a camera, and Bubba.


Martin Studio Photography (C) Martin Studio Photography 2012-04-09T03:08:00Z 2012-04-09T03:08:00Z Influences

Just some thoughts as I venture into the blogging world.  

From our first steps until the ones we just took today, it seems we are influenced by so many different elements and experiences in our lives that it shapes our interests, mannerisms, and life directions. 

How about this philosophy, without writing down your goals you can not be sure if your achieving, winning, or properly prepairing for your dreams. Where did that come from, Covey?  So have you revisited your goals lately, I have. lol Yep, blame MTV and Robin Leach that's where is all started for me as a kid...... I want it now influences. :)

So in walks a client, influenced by.....? (Who are they, and what are they doing here?) LOL









Martin Studio Photography (C) Martin Studio Photography 2012-04-02T02:29:00Z 2012-04-02T02:29:00Z